Work Entry
Coaching Intake Form
First Name
First Name is required.
Last Name
Last Name is required.
Email address is not valid
Email is required.
What would be the "win" of our coaching time together?
What would be the "win" of our coaching time together? is required.
Of all the things you do well … what do you do the very best?
Of all the things you do well … what do you do the very best? is required.
What adjectives would you use to describe yourself?
What adjectives would you use to describe yourself? is required.
What are the 3 most pressing PERSONAL decisions/issues you are currently facing?
What are the 3 most pressing PERSONAL decisions/issues you are currently facing? is required.
What are the 3 most pressing MINISTRY decisions/issues facing you?
What are the 3 most pressing MINISTRY decisions/issues facing you? is required.
What are you most excited about in the next 6-12 months?
What are you most excited about in the next 6-12 months? is required.
In what areas do you feel stuck or frustrated?
In what areas do you feel stuck or frustrated? is required.
In what 3 ways would you most like to grow/develop in the next 6-12 months?
In what 3 ways would you most like to grow/develop in the next 6-12 months? is required.
How much does your current role overlap your "sweet spot"? Please explain.
How much does your current role overlap your "sweet spot"? Please explain. is required.
What are your church's top 3 strengths?
What are your church's top 3 strengths? is required.
If you were to ever leave your current role, what legacy would you like to leave?
If you were to ever leave your current role, what legacy would you like to leave? is required.
If you could only accomplish 3 priorities for the church in the next 6-12 months, what would they be?
If you could only accomplish 3 priorities for the church in the next 6-12 months, what would they be? is required.
Please add anything you think would be helpful in understanding you or understanding your ministry situation.
Please add anything you think would be helpful in understanding you or understanding your ministry situation. is required.